Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Tips when Dealing With CRA Part 3

In reading my prior blogs you should now understand that CRA is a collection agency for the government and that if you don’t agree with their decisions they make when “administering tax” then you can appeal their decision to the authorities (courts). The CRA never does have the final decision, unless you let them! You should also now be clear that you can’t believe everything they state on their website because of the disclaimer, and you can’t take what you get from them on the phone as fact. If you need a ruling on something that does not have a precedent set, then get it in writing. Because tax law is so complicated, you should almost always seek professional help. Kustom Design is always up to date on the current tax laws and we are here to work with you on structuring your assets and transactions. The bottom line is that you do not have to be scared of dealing with CRA, you just need to know how to deal with them.

If CRA calls you by telephone you are not obligated to speak with them. You can have them deal with your authorized representative, or just tell them to put their request in writing. As a matter of fact it is typically better that you don’t speak to them as they are under a protocol to assess any tax amount owing and charge penalty and interest…and then of course collect it. Some CRA agents may try and trap you in what they say, so again it is better not to speak with them, unless you have no other option. If you do speak with them it would typically only be in regards to something specific, like a payment plan. If you do have to speak with CRA, ensure you get their full name and badge number. If you are having difficulty dealing with the agent assigned to you, you can ask to speak with their supervisor. The majority of CRA agents are bonded and they can bring trouble upon themselves if they trample on your rights found in the taxpayer bill of rights. Unfortunately, as mentioned prior, many CRA agents do not even know the taxpayer bill of rights and neither do the people, so CRA sometimes gets away with trampling on people’s rights!

Right now Canada is in a major deficit position, which means they are spending more than they are taking in. Because of this issue we have seen the CRA become more aggressive with people while raising some penalties through the roof, creating new penalties, freezing bank accounts, putting liens on assets and more. All we see on the news is how the Government is handling the financial situation quite well compared to the rest of the world, but what we don’t see in the media is how they are doing it. The Bank of Canada is printing more currency and the government is forced to collect more and new taxes! Do we think it’s going to get any better as our government is projecting more deficits for the coming years? We must know our rights and how to deal with CRA so we can protect ourselves, our assets and our future generations. Watch for my next blogs where we will share more on dealing with the CRA!

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