We are now getting close to wrapping up this series and you can see the theme is “be able to prove every expenditure and deposit” The fact of the matter is that if you can’t prove expenses or deposits, CRA can just deem what they want whether it is true or not! So you must always keep good back up documentation for every transaction, not just statements but receipts as well! Keep a good record of all deposits, using a deposit book as well!
In my last blog we began to talk about Employee vs. subcontractors. Employees must go on payroll and T4’s must be issued for employees. Subcontractors do not go on the payroll, however a T4A should be filed at the end of the year (due the following February) stating how much was paid to the subcontractor.
Let’s look a little closer at payroll. Getting in trouble with payroll can close your business down. The penalties and interest on late payroll remitting can cripple a business as the rates are so high! To ensure you stay out of payroll trouble you can simply not have any employees, just subcontractors, or if you do have employees then ensure you always have accurate payroll remittance numbers and make your remittance on time! You can use the Software produced by CRA, go on their website, or use approved accounting software to calculate your payroll remittances. Payroll remittances are made on the 15th of the following month. So for example September’s payroll remittance is made on the 15th of October, unless you have other arrangements in writing with CRA.
Subcontractors will remit their own taxes as they have their own business just like you do. As mentioned they should have a Corporation with a GST number and they should invoice you in exchange for payment. The invoice is your source document for proof in case you get audited. In my last blog we listed the main factors CRA looks at to ensure that you have hired a real subcontractor and they are not an employee under the guise of a subcontractor. If you want to hire and you don’t want employees due to the extra headaches and costs, then speak to us. Even if it doesn’t look like the subcontractor can meet the criteria, we can help you set things up to ensure they are legitimate contractors. Go to www.jobworksinc.ca for more info.
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